Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Very Potter Sequel: a spoiler-free review

Incredibly, amazingly, beautifully awesome.
If you have a chance, go tonight.
Who cares that you have school tomorrow?
It (dare I say it?) surpassed the original.
Now, we've been sworn to secrecy, but here's the scoop on what I can tell you...

4:00- we meet at the high school.
4:30- we get lost. I am in full panic mode, but little sister saves the day with GPS.
4:45- we FINALLY arrive and get in standby.
5:00ish- Joey Richter walks by. I squee and everyone in line thinks i'm mentally incompetent.
5:15- Ginny and Cho throw away trash about 20 times in hopes of catching a glimpse of an actor.
5:30- I begin coloring my shoes.
5:45- my father and sister arrive and chill with us.
6:00- We play Go Fish. I lose.
6:15- We play Slappy. I lose.
6:30- the guy sitting next to us breaks out into "I'll Make a Man out of You". We give him high fives.
6:45- Pansy begins singing songs from the first musical, and I retreat into a fetal position, since I still think we have absolutely no chance of getting in and refuse to get excited.
7:00- we're in. HOLY CRAP!

We had great seats. Since we were in standby, they put us wherever they could fit us, which was conveniently located in the front row.
Sitting on the floor.
Within spitting distance of the actors. (We actually did get spit on a few times.)
I began hyperventilating.

The show was amazing.
More awesomer everything.
We bought shirts, but you won't understand them until mid-July.
After the show, we met the actors.
They were all incredibly nice, and seemed thrilled that we wanted them in our hug buckets.
Ginny will upload pictures soon.
The songs are incredible.
The dancing is incredible.
Everyone from the original cast returned, plus some more additions.

Malfoy out!

1 comment:

  1. The guy next to us was Patrick of York.
    Just saying.
    I wish I could hunt him down on facebook.
    But that'd be creepy.
