Hello there.
As the site gets more hits, some people might stumble across this blog that aren't involved in the show.
Namely, some StarKids might stumble across this and be confused.
So, this is for them.
First off, WE LOVE YOU.
We really do.
We're not trying to do better than you (because we won't), steal your hits on YouTube (because we won't), or anything like that.
We're just some crazy rabid screaming fangirls (and non-rabid non-screaming boys) that thought it would be fun to adapt the first two parts of A Very Potter Musical for our marching band camp's skit night.
Don't worry about us getting you guys in trouble- skit night is absolutely free. No money is involved, and we won't post it online, probably.
If you're actually a legit StarKid and have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment and confirm it through some other form of social media (tumblr, twitter, whatever. We just need to make sure you're who you say you are.)
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